House Designing - Build a Unique Home, NZ | Design Builders

Make your home unique


We take an individual approach to creating your home. To do that, we consider form and function. In this way, we can ensure you have a home that has the style to suit you and excellent liveability, just the way you want it.

Interior Design

Interior Design enhances homes, but getting it right takes talent and an expert eye. Design Builders can bring in a professional Interior Design consultant who can recommend the perfect finishing touches.

Warmer, healthier, and costs less to run

Eco-Living is all about creating your home so that it maximises you and your family’s comfort while reducing running costs.

Our Unique Approach

Our entire process puts an architecturally designed home within your reach – designed and built as you want it – and our expert team is with you all the way.

Designed for Life

Lifemark rated homes are designed to be usable and safe for people of all ages and life stages. They are easy to live in – for a lifetime.

30 years of a home built around you

There’s an inspiring story behind every home we build. And now, here’s the story behind us.

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Where to find us

Our nationwide network covers many locations, and we’d love to talk with you about a home built around you.

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0800 456 456